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Sudha Murty ( Grandma's Bag of Stories )

 Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. Today I'm gonna write about 

Sudha Murty ( Grandma's Bag of Stories ) 

Have you guys heard of Sudha Murty? She's an author, educator, and philanthropist from India!  Have you heard some of her stories from your grandma?  Actually, if you see the front page, she got some stories from her Grandma. She just changed them a bit.   I got this book as my birthday present from my aunt. Wonderful !  

I read this book and it teaches good values through the form of stories. It's really good! It feels like you're in the story experiencing everything! Some are funny, and some are serious. In the end, they teach you LIFE STORIES. So I follow her advice. That's all from me today. 



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